Building Blocks Improvement - 2024 Minor Infrastructure

This is a preview of the 2024 Minor Infrastructure Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Information for Applicants

Application writing tips


Building Blocks (Improvement Stream) is a highly competitive funding program, and organisations need to ensure that their applications make a clear and convincing case and include the required supporting documentation to increase the chances of being successful.


Refer to the Improvement Guidelines and Assessment Factsheet and Application Checklist found on the VSBA website at Building Blocks Grants - Improvement. These documents contain important information about eligibility and your grant application.

Please also read the Frequently Asked Questions.

NOTE: The two documents that require the most time to secure are the Soil Hygienist Report and the Asbestos Report. Applicants must include these reports (if required) at the time of application to be considered. Note, if your project is on Department of Education owned land, the VSBA will procure these reports on your behalf.


In addition to reading the Assessment Factsheet and Application Checklist found on the VSBA website at Building Blocks Grants - Improvement and the Frequently Asked Questions, we strongly recommend that you:

  • start working on your application as early as possible
  • respond fully to each question on the application form and provide the required information, documentation and reports
  • consider capability to deliver your proposed project within the specified 12 month period after execution of the Victorian Common Funding Agreement (VCFA)

We will not consider late or incomplete applications.


Your organisation can apply if it is: 

  • a Victorian local government (Council); 
  • a not-for-profit community organisation that is a legal entity (for example an incorporated association, incorporated cooperative or Indigenous corporation); 
  • a Victorian government school; or 
  • a Victorian non-government school registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority or Catholic Education Commission of Victoria. 

Victorian kindergarten providers with a funded kindergarten service(s) at the time of application are eligible to receive funding.

For-profit organisations cannot apply for any grant streams within Building Blocks, they are not eligible for funding .

If you have any queries about your grant application, contact the VSBA Early Childhood Grants team at


What Can and Cannot be funded

What Can be Funded

  • external project management costs*
  •  planning and design costs that result in a completed
  • playground or building upgrade
  • site preparation, including clearing or demolition (if the project will be on land owned by the Department, please contact the VSBA before applying to confirm how these costs can be funded)
  • construction and commissioning
  • landscaping and car parking
  • fixed fittings and fixed equipment
  • a soil contamination assessment, completed before the application is submitted*
  • a Division 6 Asbestos Audit Assessment completed before the application is submitted*
  • removal of contaminates on project sites* (e.g., asbestos/ arsenic)
  • routine or cyclical maintenance works
  • upgrades that do not increase capacity

What Cannot be Funded

  • site acquisition and lease costs 
  • planning and design costs that do not result in a completed playground or building upgrade
  • purchase of cars, buses and other vehicles
  • ongoing administration or operational costs including volunteer committee costs, staff salaries and training**
  • toys, portable equipment, and consumables
  • movable electronic devices such as kitchen and garden appliances
  • IT equipment such as laptops, tablets and installed interactive screens
  • removal of contaminates on project sites (e.g. asbestos/ arsenic, lead), following announcement of the grant 
  • additional funding due to project cost overruns
  • reimbursement for work already started or completed

*Provided it is within scope of the state’s financial contribution for this grant stream and costs are included at application stage

**Staff salaries may be eligible where these apply to new roles which engage staff for the exclusive purpose of Project Management.